Entrepreneurship and income-generating activities

In Palestine, more than half of the Youth work in the informal sector, and only 3% of working age women set up their own businesses compared to 16% of men (PCBS, 2022). CYEE recognizes the potential of entrepreneurship for young Palestinians in rural areas, especially women for whom full-time employment in the workforce is not always an option. CYEE aims to open pathways for young people with talents in specific activities, by encouraging them to grow their initiatives into income-generating businesses.

Through specialized trainings, provision of support and advice, and the development of a network of Palestinian entrepreneurs, we give an impulse to existing projects. We select talented individuals with existing initiatives and train them with advanced professional skills to start their production of marketable goods and services, whether they are foods, arts and crafts, jewelry, clothing. Strategic, technical and financial support is provided through CYEE’s Seed Funding Mechanism.