Project Information
- Title: Women in Action
- Implementation Period: 2022-01-06
The Women In Action project aims to fill the gap to women’s representation by challenging current patriarchist narratives in rural Palestine. By upgrading young women’s psychosocial and economic capacities, we turn them into actively engaged individuals in their communities and beyond. Because we believe that local actors are by far the best placed to address the issues their communities are facing, we work hand in hand with Community-Based Organizations to enhance the participation of women in their activities. We empower partner CBOs by providing them with the know-hows and capacity building to target women’s underrepresentation.
The first phase of the project targeted the marginalized communities of Beit Liqia, Kharbatha Bani Hareth and Betellu through three Community-based Organizations (CBO). CYEE offered trainings on life skills and empowerment to 60 young women aged from 18 to 24 years old. Beneficiaries were then in charge of designing and delivering their own workshops and social initiatives to 150 children. Through cooking, photography, sports and arts initiatives, adolescents developped positive interactions with peers from the other genders and effectively challenged their perceptions of gender roles. The project proved successful in upgrading the women's leadership capacities, as well as increasing children’s awareness on the importance of gender equality.